Life Membership
What is Life Membership
Life Membership is the highest honour on which the club can bestow to a member of the club.
It is awarded to a member of the East Ringwood Community who must be nominated to the committee by another member.
To be considered for a life membership, there are several criteria to meet.
If you are considering nominating someone for life membership, please see the criteria below.
ERCC Current Life Members
J Hann
J F Hodgkins
T Reddish
L Steeth
A Hann
Mrs F Palmer
A Neal
S Hardidge
K Milner
O Gray
M Kennaway
Mrs P Kennaway
R Brine
W Miller
A Whitehouse
K Buckley
Y Vitnis
C Skvor
I Wilton
W Wilkins
B Szwallik
P Walliker
B Hodgkins
D Watt
D Mock
R Newton
E Nichol
J Kearney
P Wright
K Potter
R Stewart
G Buzaglo
S Wilkins
G Wright
B Dawson
D Carratelli
Mrs K Andersen
P Cardwell
Mrs C Potter
D Hoven
R Tubb
A Hinds
B Ellis
B Coopersmith
S Nichol
N Kearney
M Dowling
M Kershaw
Miss L Wright
M Crowle
J Gray
How to Nominate someone for Life Membership
To nominate someone for life membership, you must consider the below criteria and complete the form attached. The nomination will then be considered by the senior committee prior to a vote and presentation at the clubs annual presentation night.
Life Membership Criteria
Item 12.1 The committee may recommend to the members any person/persons (not more than two per year) that they may deem eligible for life membership.
Item 12.2Recommendations for life membership may be made in writing to the committee by way of any financial or life member.
Item 12.3To be considered for life membership the person/persons shall have rendered loyal and exceptional service for an extended period of time.
Item 12.4Life members will be elected by a vote of least 2/3RD of the committee members on the day.Item
12.5Life Members are not required to pay Annual Subscriptions, but if playing, must pay all Match Fees and Levies.
Item 12.6Life Members will enjoy all the privileges and rights of Financial Members.
Item 12.7 These nominated person/persons will be awarded with Life Membership at the next available ERCC Presentation Night and their names will be permanently recorded on the Honour Board to be displayed at the Club.

Our most recent inductees for Life Membership at East Ringwood Cricket Club.
Congratulations Matt and Josh.